Homes for the Disabled


Our purpose is to help find those who may be in need of some finantial help in order to make their homes more accessible for the lovedones in their life who need special accomidations such as wheelchairs.

Our desire is to help enable and enhance the lives of those who
cannot properly maneuver and function within the perimeters of a traditional home.

As the individuals get older
it becomes harder and harder
to navigate and move about
their homes.

“Four percent of homeowning households
and 4.3 percent of renter households had
difficulties entering or getting around their home”

What we do

Through a process of applications
and interviews we hope to find those
who are truly in need of the help
and give them the chance to have a
more comfortable

What is the Cost?

Although it may vary based on the location and home
can cost upwards of $60,000 to make the needed renovations to make a home accessible for people with disabilities.


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